Configure outgoing mailservers

Hi there!

In this tutorial I will explain you how to configure an outgoing mail server with Gmail.
Configuring outgoing mail servers in Odoo is one of the most simple things there are, you just need to know what exactly you should fill in.

First go to Settings > Email > Outgoing Mail servers and click on Create.
You will get a new window looking like this:
Sample empty email server
Let’s go over the fields:

  • Description: A description for the outgoing mail server.
  • Priority: The priority of your mail server. The lower the number the higher the priority. This will mean that the e-mailserver with the lowest number will be used the most.
  • SMTP server: The pointer to the SMTP of your server, for example
  • SMTP port: The port of your SMTP server, for example port 465 for Gmail.
  • Connection security: The type of security. You should choose SSL/TLS for Gmail. The data is then send over HTTPS.
  • Username: Your e-mail account, in this example
  • Password: The password of your e-mail account.

For Gmail it will look like this:
Configured outgoing mailserver

Now save the record and from now on Odoo will send all your e-mails from Odoo to the person you want to e-mail.
TIP: by default the time that Odoo sends e-mails from Odoo is every 1 hour. If you wish to modify this you should go to Settings > Automation > Scheduled Actions and open up the record ‘Email Queue Manager’. Modify the time to your likings.. For example every 2 minutes:
Send mail every 2 minutes

For more information check out this Wikipedia article about mailservers.

Tutorial sponsored by Oocademy

7 thoughts on “Configure outgoing mailservers

  1. deep says:

    I have configured using my corporate Server, which works perfectly well.
    However there seems to be delay between the Emails exchanged between the Outlook mail

    Say my official server is
    Now lets say I have sent mail to 2 Users, same time, one having gmail address, while other having address of same domain, say

    Now, Mail received in Gmail is almost immediate, however the same mail been received in Outlook/Webmail takes quiet a long time.
    Any idea what could be the reason.

    • Yenthe666 says:

      Hi Deep,

      There looks to be a delay on Outlook e-mails, probably by the way it is handled in Exchange. I have the same ‘issue’ on my Odoo instances but the delay is not big enough to call it a real issue I guess. 🙂

  2. Anatha Moorthy says:

    Dear Yenthe,

    You are doing a great job, nice blog.

    I am trying to set up outgoing mail server in version 10 and 11(odoo installed on cloud), I am not able to test connection, when I click on Test Connection, Page is continuously loading without any output, whereas same thing if I do in my local system with same credentials, it’s working for me. Am I missing some configuration?

    • Yenthe666 says:

      Hi Anatha,

      Thanks for the positive feedback! Have a look in the logfile, it should give you a good idea of what is wrong here. There has to be some difference.

  3. Stefan says:

    hi Yenthe,
    I have challenges configuring the g-suite servers to work with Odoo 11 community version.
    I followed all guidance from the Odoo 11 and I have configured the smtp-relay service for the g-mail app in the g-suite.
    However the errors are still poping up and I am not sure what could cause them. Any ideas and any guidance?
    Thanks in adnance!

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